This checklist will help tutors prepare for a session within the comprehension reader’s curriculum.

Before each session:

  1. Pick up your student’s box.
  2. Review previous tutor notes and the Roadmap.
  3. Pick up the lesson packet your student is working on today.
  4. Select a tutor read aloud. If the student did not finish the tutor read aloud in the previous session, select that title and pick up where your student left off.
  5. Read through the materials inside the lesson packet to familiarize yourself with the skill you will teach today.
  6. Create an agenda on a post-it or whiteboard. Use the following as a guide:
    • Tutor read aloud
    • Review vocabulary & add 1-2 new words
    • Comprehension skill
      • For the “A” lesson you can write “Learn and practice _____(insert skill)”
      • For the ‘B’ lesson you can write “Review _____ (insert skill)”
    • Student read aloud
    • Graphic organizer
    • Take Reading Home

Helpful hints:

  • Always check in with your site coordinator if you have any questions about notes from a previous session or the contents of the lesson packet.
  • Have all of the materials prepared before your student arrives at the reading center.